Boosting wifi signal through your property with multiple APs
If you have a large property, thick walls, or a non-centrally located router, you may need multiple access points (APs) to get full wifi coverage at your property. As long as one AP is connected to the existing router at the property, additional APs can be plugged into just the power and will automatically act as wireless extenders. Please note that at least one AP always needs to be plugged directly into the router at the property for the wireless APs to broadcast a signal.
All APs can be used as either wired devices, or wireless extender. When an AP is used as a wireless extender you will see how strong the signal between the wireless extender and the wired access point is on the Access Points page in StayFi. Wireless APs need to be placed in locations with strong wifi signal to make sure they can communicate with the wired AP. If you place a wireless AP too far from the wired AP, you will get a Low Signal warning on the Access Points page, indicating that the wireless AP should be moved closer to the wired AP it is connected to.