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Connect StayFi to your UniFi Controller

How to use StayFi with your existing UniFi Controller: UniFi Dream Machine (UDM), UniFi Dream Router (UDR), UniFi Express, Cloud Gateway, Cloud Key or a self-hosted controller.

StayFi offers seamless integration with your existing UniFi Controller. Please follow these steps to establish the integration:

1. Ensure you have a public IP.

2. Configure any non-UniFi router appropriately.

3. Grant StayFi remote access to your controller.

4. Next steps.

1. Ensure You Have a Public IP Address

We require a public IP address to connect StayFi to your UniFi controller.

The good news is that most U.S. Internet Service Providers (ISPs) like Comcast, Spectrum, Cox and Verizon already provide each of their customers with a unique public IP address. This means that if your UniFi controller is on site at your property and you have one of those ISPs, it's almost guaranteed that you already have a unique public IP address.

Some ISPs, typically ones that service more remote areas like Starlink, do not provide a unique public IP address to each of their customers. With these ISPs, all customers share a single public IP address which prevents StayFi from communicating directly with your property and therefore prevents StayFi from connecting to your on site UniFi controller. If this is the case, you can contact your ISP to request a public IP address (see instructions below).

If your UniFi controller is not on site at your property (this is common if an IT company manages your UniFi network for you), then your UniFi controller typically resides in a data center. This also almost guarantees that the UniFi controller is accessible via a unique public IP address.

A public IP address is an IP address assigned to a device by your Internet Service Provider (ISP), which allows it to be accessible over the internet. Public IPs are safe to use and essential for enabling devices like computers, web servers, or routers to communicate with the internet.

What is a Public IP Address?

A public IP address is an essential part of the internet and is safe to use. Think of it as your home address. When you use Google, you send your search query to Google's public IP (their house). Your search query includes your public IP (your house) so that Google can send their results back to you. Just like if you were to mail a letter to a friend with the your return address on the envelope so they could mail you a letter back.

Your router is responsible for managing all the traffic that comes and goes from your home. It protects you from any unwanted traffic that may come your way. Your router is what keeps your network safe while still allowing you to use a public IP address.

Find out if you already have a public IP address

Log in to your router to locate your WAN IP address. The steps to access your router and find the WAN IP address may vary depending on your Internet Service Provider.

If your WAN IP address matches any of the following formats then you do NOT have a public IP address and you will need to request one from your Internet Service Provider:
  • 10.x.x.x
  • 100.64.x.x to 100.127.x.x
  • 172.16.x.x to 172.31.x.x
  • 192.168.x.x

Requesting a public IP address from your Internet Service Provider

Contact your Internet Service Provider and request a public IP address. Here is an example of what you can request:

We are currently using a UniFi Dream Machine and would like to request a public IP address for direct access. Please assign either a static or dynamic IP to our UniFi Dream Machine, and ensure our main router is in bridge or bypass mode.

If you have a UniFi Cloud Key make sure you request a static public IP. Dynamic public IPs won't work with this device.

2. Configure any non-UniFi router appropriately.

If your UniFi controller is not on-site at your property (this is common if an IT company manages your UniFi network for you), then you can safely skip this step.

If your UniFi controller is on site at your property and is a UniFi Dream Machine, UniFi Dream Router, UniFi Express or UniFi Cloud Gateway you may or may not be able to skip this step. Here are different scenarios you may encounter:

  1. You connected your UniFi controller to a router/modem combo unit.
  2. You connected your UniFi controller to a standalone router.
  3. You connected your UniFi controller to a standalone modem.

If you're in scenario 3 above, you can safely skip this step.

If you're in scenario 1 or 2, you'll need to set your router or router/modem combo unit into bridge mode. This will allow your UniFi controller to act as the sole router in your home network and turn off the routing functionality of the other device. This will essentially connect your UniFi controller directly to the modem which is what we want.

You can find step-by-step instructions on how to place a router in bridge mode for some common ISPs here:

If you have a UniFi Cloud Key, you do not need to place your router into bridge mode but you will need to schedule a call with our team to set up port forwarding on your router. You can schedule that call here. (Make sure you have the username and password for the admin interface on your router since we'll need it on the call.)

3. Grant StayFi remote access to your controller.

Our team needs remote access to you UniFi controller to implement all the necessary configuration changes and provide ongoing support. To grant access, please follow these steps:

  1. Log into your controller, and go to the Admins & Users tab on the left menu.
  2. Click on the plus (+) sign on the top-right corner on the page.
  3. Add an admin with the following settings:
    UI Account email: it@stayfi.com
    Network: Full Management
    OS Settings: Full Management

4. Next steps

Once you’ve completed the steps above, let our Support team know to expect an invite to your controller. If you’re already in touch with one of our Support Specialists, simply reply to your existing email thread. If not, feel free to start a conversation by emailing us at support@stayfi.com.